Where Buy Sale Canon PowerShot A2300 IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Digital Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Red) Cheap Deals
Buy Sale Canon PowerShot A2300 IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Digital Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Red) Cheaper than Walmart, BestBuys Deals and Discount Prices Guarantee Cheap Canon PowerShot A2300 IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Digital Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Red) When Release and Arrive In Stock with Free Shipping Offer.
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List Price : $149.00
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List Price : $149.00
*** Prices will Change and Update Every Hours. Compare Prices Now.
Product Description
Simple and stylish, this chic compact camera is packed with advancements that make it easy to get a great shot every time. Smart AUTO recognizes 32 predefined shooting situations, then automatically picks the proper camera settings for you. Saving memories in breathtakingly realistic 720p HD is as easy as pressing the dedicated movie button.
- 16.0 MP Image Sensor, DIGIC 4 Image Processor, 5x Optical Zoom, 28mm Wide-Angle lens
- 720p HD video recording with a dedicated movie button
- Smart AUTO with 32 predefined shooting situations
- Digital IS reduces effect of camera shake and subject movement
- Help Button provides simple explanations and easy controls of your settings
- Smart AUTO intelligently selects the proper camera settings based on 32 predefined shooting situations for capturing spectacular images with ease.
- Shoot brilliant 720p HD video with a dedicated movie button.
- A 16.0 Megapixel Image Sensor with DIGIC 4 Image Processor for exceptional performance.
Find Cheap Canon PowerShot A2300 IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Digital Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Red) Low Prices Sale
Canon PowerShot A2300 IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Digital Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Red) Reviews
63 of 66 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Canon PowerShot A2300 IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Digital Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Blue) (Electronics) This is a pretty neat little camera.This is not a power house this is a small camera to carry for quick shots of your kids or even something light to travel with when you larger camera is packed up in your luggage. It has a few simple really useful functions, a modest zoom (though 5x out does some of the other cameras like this)the lens seems to be doing it's job. 16 mega pixels makes for a pretty clear photo. There is small shutter lag but a good sd card seems to help that and it's on par with other digital cameras of this kind. I really like this little camera and I look forward to using it. So far... Cute Light Compact easy to use decent photos A+ for this sort of camera. I will update at a later date after I use it a bit, maybe even post a sample photo or two. 33 of 35 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Canon PowerShot A2300 IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Digital Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Blue) (Electronics) I have owned several canon cameras, including SLR, DSLR, and several point-and-shoots, and this one is by far the most disappointing. Looking at the specs, I couldn't figure out why this camera was only a third of the price of other recently released Canon point-and-shoots, so I decided to try it out. I got it just in time for a trip to the Grand Canyon and Sedona, AZ... and now that I'm looking through my photos, I wish I would have just stuck with my DSLR. The colors are very dull on auto mode. We were at Red Rock National Park, and the rocks look brown in my photos, not red like they actually were... I tried the vivid color setting, hoping it would help... but that setting added TOO much color. It made a cactus look neon green and the red rocks look bright orange. And if you use the vivid color setting to take a photo of a person, they will look like tan mom. (i.e. orange)Besides the colors being either very dull or unnaturally bright, the photos from this camera are... Read more 17 of 17 people found the following review helpful By Shihtzu Mom (Virginia) - See all my reviews This review is from: Canon PowerShot A2300 IS 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Optizal Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Silver) (Electronics) The Canon A2300 is a great point and shoot camera for casual users. It's easy to use, and takes very clear pictures with wonderful color rendition. It has reasonable resolution (clarity) in zoom mode, and performs well for action shots at sporting events. The auto mode settings are fine for most photos. Low light zoom shots (such as stage shows in dark auditoriums)may not be completely acceptable, but that's a tough condition for any camera and should NOT be considered a serious flaw. The movie mode works well, with good clarity and color. Bottom line: for everyday shapshots (condidering the performance, features, and price) you'll be happy with the A2300. For more details you can download the user manual from the Canon website. |
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