Where Buy Sale HTC Status ChaCha A810a Unlocked Phone with QWERTY Keyboard, 5MP Camera, Wi-Fi and GPS - US Warranty - Silver Cheap Deals
Buy Sale HTC Status ChaCha A810a Unlocked Phone with QWERTY Keyboard, 5MP Camera, Wi-Fi and GPS - US Warranty - Silver Cheaper than Walmart, BestBuys Deals and Discount Prices Guarantee Cheap HTC Status ChaCha A810a Unlocked Phone with QWERTY Keyboard, 5MP Camera, Wi-Fi and GPS - US Warranty - Silver When Release and Arrive In Stock with Free Shipping Offer.
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List Price : $199.99
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List Price : $199.99
*** Prices will Change and Update Every Hours. Compare Prices Now.
Product Description
The HTC Status weighs 4.32 ounces and measures 4.49 x 2.49 x 0.42 inches. Its 1250 mAh lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 6.5 hours of talk time, and up to 640 hours (26.6 days) of standby time. It runs on the 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM/GPRS/EDGE frequencies as well as AT&T's dual-band 3G network (850/1900 MHz; HSDPA/UMTS).
- This unlocked cell phone is compatible with GSM carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile. Not all carrier features may be supported. It will not work with CDMA carriers like Verizon Wireless, Alltel and Sprint.
- 3G-enabled, Android-powered smartphone with dedicated Facebook share button, 2.6-inch touchscreen, and full QWERTY keyboard
- 800 MHz processor; Wireless-N Wi-Fi networking (with optional Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot service); GPS for navigation and location services
- 5-MP camera/camcorder; VGA front camera; Bluetooth 3.0; 2 GB microSD card; HTML web browser with Flash support; corporate and personal e-mail
- Up to 6.5 hours of talk time, up to 640 hours (26.6 days) of standby time; released in July, 2011
Find Cheap HTC Status ChaCha A810a Unlocked Phone with QWERTY Keyboard, 5MP Camera, Wi-Fi and GPS - US Warranty - Silver Low Prices Sale
HTC Status ChaCha A810a Unlocked Phone with QWERTY Keyboard, 5MP Camera, Wi-Fi and GPS - US Warranty - Silver Reviews
7 of 7 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: HTC Status ChaCha A810a Unlocked Phone with QWERTY Keyboard, 5MP Camera, Wi-Fi and GPS - US Warranty - Silver (Wireless Phone Accessory) I got this yesterday, so far I'm very happy with it. I just slapped the sim card and memory card from my old phone in, entered the APN information I had from my old phone for 3g access and off we went. If you already have a Gmail account with android market access on it, it will let you download any apps you've purchased, like one I can't live without called Trillian for instant messaging.Beautiful screen, decent camera with a flash that works, nice keyboard, it's a little bigger than my old phone and lighter weight wise. It's also whole lot faster with android 2.3.3 and a qualcomm snapdragon 1 processor. Like others say in other reviews, it's not a gaming phone, but for the person that likes the social scene and texting a lot, it's really sweet and for the price...it's perfect. 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: HTC Status ChaCha A810a Unlocked Phone with QWERTY Keyboard, 5MP Camera, Wi-Fi and GPS - US Warranty - Silver (Wireless Phone Accessory) This cell is absolutely what I expected, what I hoped for, and what I needed. Watched a lot of youtube videos on the cell so I knew what I was getting into. I love the qwerty keyboard (amazing typing experience), the touchscreen, the fact that it's an android, the HTC sense, and yes, even the size of the screen (screen size for me is perfect). Always been a 'love at a distance' blackberry fan, but I always had a love for androids. So when I came across this cell I had to have it. Definitely glad I purchased it. Went into this purchase aware of the limitations of memory and battery life, but I have a couple ways around that. So far so good -- definitely LOVE it!UPDATE: Be VERY aware about the limitations of internal memory. You won't be able to load many APPS on the cell even if you send a lot of your apps to an SD card. If you can live with it, it really is an amazing cell. If you use the calendar feature, the reminders pop up on the lock screen and I love that you can... Read more 6 of 7 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: HTC Status ChaCha A810a Unlocked Phone with QWERTY Keyboard, 5MP Camera, Wi-Fi and GPS - US Warranty - Silver (Wireless Phone Accessory) This phones has a great keyboard and decent performance for relatively low specs. The HTC Status is a great texting and messaging phone; however, overall I found the screen size to be a rather limiting feature. The phone would have been much better if HTC got rid of the call and end buttons and enlarged the screen. I would have kept the phone if not for the problem described below. My three star rating is based on the phone itself, and not the problem with the sale.The point of this review is to warn people about the purchase and seller description. I purchase from Cell Lounge Inc. and the device was listed as new but it was in fact refurbished. List correctly if it's a refurb, just say so. It shipped in a refurbished box and had marks on the phone from prior use. Also, the contents where not retail packaging. Amazon needs to enforce seller descriptions. This is the second "new" phone I purchased that was refurbished and promptly returned to Amazon. |
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