Where Buy Sale Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) Cheap Deals
Buy Sale Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) Cheaper than Walmart, BestBuys Deals and Discount Prices Guarantee Cheap Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) When Release and Arrive In Stock with Free Shipping Offer.
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List Price : $349.00
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List Price : $349.00
*** Prices will Change and Update Every Hours. Compare Prices Now.
Product Description
Outdoorsy, adventurous types need to look no further for a camera that can handle it all. The PowerShot D20 digital camera is waterproof to 33 feet, temperature-resistant from 14 DegreeF to 104 DegreeF, shockproof up to 5.0 feet, and equipped with a GPS tracker. Slim and sturdy with a highly visible color layout, its buttons are operable even with gloved hands.
- Waterproof to 33 feet, temperature from 14-104 degrees fahrenheit
- 12.1 MP Canon HS SYSTEM with a High-Sensitivity CMOS sensor, DIGIC 4 Image Processor
- 5x Optical Zoom with 28mm wide angle lens
- 3.0-inch Pure Color System LCD for easy viewing
- GPS tracker to record image locations on a map via Canon's software (does not work under water)
- Take this camera anywhere: Waterproof to 33 feet, temperature resistant from 14 Degree-104 DegreeF and shockproof up to 5.0 feet.
- Canon's HS SYSTEM with a 12.1 Megapixel High-Sensitivity CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4 Image Processor for improved low-light performance.
- Shoot beautiful 1080p Full HD video with a dedicated movie button; zoom while shooting and play back videos on an HDTV via the HDMI output.
Find Cheap Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) Low Prices Sale
Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) Reviews
186 of 187 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) (Electronics) I preordered this camera when it was first announced. I was a little disappointed when Amazon dropped the price before it even reached my house. I anticipated this camera not only for the waterproof capabilities, but also because it is shock proof...and probably because it was a Canon. I live in Hawaii and intend to take this to the beach to take photos and videos in and out of the water. I'm a special education teacher and wanted to have my students to create their own learning stories with photos that they took themselves. I am very reluctant to have them use a DSLR or even a regular point & shoot camera with the fear of them dropping $1000+ worth of equipment.When I got the camera, I quickly looked over the manual for any waterproof information that I might need to know. Everything was straight-forward with no hard-to-find switches to lock any waterproof seals. In other words, feel free to take this out of the box, put in the card and battery, and take underwater... Read more 62 of 65 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) (Electronics) It's easy to be mislead by the marketing hype and glowing reviews, as I was, that this is a high-end general purpose pocket-sized 12 megapixel camera that takes stunning photographs and just happens to also be waterproof. But after evaluating the camera - and very nearly returning it in disappointment - I just want to caution others that this isn't the case.This is a specialty camera for taking passable snapshots underwater and under inclement conditions. Significant concessions in image quality were made to "ruggedize" the camera, and these are apparent even under ideal conditions. This is true of all cameras of this type to date, and this camera is no exception. Shadow and background areas are suffused with noise pixels. Focus is soft, especially in low light. Chromatic aberration (colored fringes) is/are easily visible in areas of high contrast, even when images are reduced in size. Unless your standards are fairly low, I doubt you can get prints larger than 8x10 from... Read more 20 of 21 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) (Electronics) We ordered this camera the day it came out. Of course they lowered the price $20 two days later, but it is still a very good value for what you get. This camera is replacing a Sony Cybershot that also was a 12MB camera. The reason we decided to go with this camera is because we found that having a good camera and a separate camcorder was becoming cumbersome. This camera gives you an all-in-one advantage as it is a good quality point and shoot camera as well as an HD video camera and it is rugged and waterproof. I also recommend getting a Sandisk Extreme Card for this camera because those cards have the speed to handle Full HD video. We went with the 32GB version just to make sure we had plenty of space. Also buy extra batteries!! You can also find an inexpensive (under $4) HDMI Mini to HDMI cable to hook this camera up directly to your TV to showcase your HD footage.If you are looking for a very high quality camera, you will never get that in a point and shoot which this... Read more |
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Buy Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) Prices
Sale Canon PowerShot D20 12.1 MP CMOS Waterproof Digital Camera with 5x Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens a 3.0-Inch LCD and GPS Tracking (Blue) Deals
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