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List Price : $149.99
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List Price : $149.99
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Product Description
The MoCA Network Adapter bridges the divide between coaxial cable and Ethernet networks, allowing users to experience the future of home multimedia experience home today. Designed specifically for homes with cable television, this MoCA adapter is strong enough to handle any transfer load and is optimized to provide high-speed delivery of all multimedia applications. Leverages the existing coax wiring in any home for fast network connections. Eliminates the need for rewiring or settling for lesser-performing wireless solutions. Perfect for home theater/home entertainment, gaming or simply adding an Ethernet connection where coax exists.
- Transfers large multimedia files such as movies, music and photos
- Uses existing coax cabling, perfect for homes with coax cables (cable TV)
- Supports actual speeds up to 175 Mbps
- Supports point-to-point and point-to-multipoint network configurations
- Supports MoCA 1.1 Standard
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Actiontec Ethernet Over Coax MoCA Adapter - Twin Pack Reviews
37 of 38 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Actiontec Ethernet Over Coax MoCA Adapter - Twin Pack (Personal Computers) My Environment:I want to use my PS3 to access Netflix , HULU (via PlayOn) and the shows that are recorded in my PC (a combination of HD and SD). My PC is upstairs (where the cable modem is) and my TV is downstairs where i do not have any Ethernet port and rewiring is not an option in my home. Various Methods Used for connectivity: Tried Wireless G and N but was never able to stream anything from my PC. Then tried various power line products from Sling, Belkin (rated as 1000 MBPS) but was not satisfied. Belkin one worked quite well but was not consistent, something was interfering and impacting the performance as the output would vary wildly at different times. Then heard about MOCA technology and was initially skeptical but wanted to try it out. Set up using Actiontec MOCA device: Ordered these Actiontec ones as they are cheaper than Netgear ones. Received them and all the package had was the two units, two Ethernet cables, power cards and a sheet... Read more 30 of 31 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Actiontec Ethernet over Coax MoCA Adapter - Single (Personal Computers) I used this device to connection to my FIOS Actiontec router, and without a few comments from people here, you'd never get this to work properly.First, the "quick instructions" (the only instructions as it turns out) assume that you are using a pair of these only to create an ethernet bridge over your coax. Thus, using this to connect to your FIOS router, the instructions are nonsensical. Second, without instructions, you'll conclude you put this in between your coax cable and set top box. This will not work, even though this is apparently the way it's supposed to work. You'll get interference on your TV, things won't work, and you'll be ready to throw it in the box and return it. In reality, you take the cable from the wall jack and get it into a coax splitter. One split goes to the set top box, the other to the device. You connect the ethernet jack to the device, and you're up and working. If you go to Actiontec's site, they have no... Read more 27 of 29 people found the following review helpful By Chino "Chino" (Miami, FL USA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Actiontec Ethernet Over Coax MoCA Adapter - Twin Pack (Personal Computers) It's a long review, so here's the executive summary:Pros: - plug and play (with my Actiontec MI424WR router) - reliable connection (vs. WiFi) - great bandwidth (vs. ethernet over power line or WiFi) - can use the pair (this particular item) in a non-MoCA home to "extend" your ethernet LAN Cons: - not easily configurable The review: I bought the Actiontec MoCA adapters because I needed to extend my network into the basement where I was building a media room. Unfortunately, my house was not pre-wired for ethernet and my WiFi signal was spotty down in my media closet to use it effectively. So, since Verizon uses MoCA natively to distribute their IPTV, LAN, and WAN signals, I figured I could pick up a MoCA adapter and hardwire an AP/switch to it in the basement! My concerns with the Actiontec product is that it is basically unconfigurable. There is no http server on the device that allows you... Read more |
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