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List Price : $849.99
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List Price : $849.99
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Product Description
The best way to reach these extraordinary heights is to print, exhibit and preserve your works of art up to 13” x 19” with the Pro9500 Mark II Inkjet Photo Printer. It has got terrific resolution, High performance individual-ink system, Ambient light correction, Auto Photo Fix and 2 way paper feeding.
- 10-color pigment ink system for professional image performance up to 13"x19"
- Maximum 4800x2400 dpi FINE printhead technology
- Professional quality B&W photos with matte black, photo black and gray inks included
- Professional printer features using Easy-PhotoPrint Pro plug-in software
- Ambient Light Correction feature; optimizes color output to match the specified lighting condition
- Ambient Light Correction feature optimizes color output to match the specified lighting condition
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Canon Pixma PRO9500MkII Inkjet Photo Printer (3298B002) Reviews
171 of 179 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Canon Pixma PRO9500MkII Inkjet Photo Printer (3298B002) (Office Product) I have used the Epson R1800 (and the smaller R800) for several years and when it wasn't clogged it printed beautiful prints. The heads finally just clogged up and I was forced to get another printer. I have used other Canon products for decades so biased toward their products. I thought the Canon would be better on the clogging, and I haven't had it long enough to judge that yet. So far I am somewhat disappointed with the printer. There are two limitations so far that are signficant for my use.I'm more interested in matte papers and fine art papers, and really don't print glossy. Getting used to this printer has been somewhat frustrating. I had been using Epson Presentation Matte and getting really nice prints from a relatively inexpensive paper with good dark blacks and good shadow detail. Duplicating that with Canon has been a challenge. I haven't been able to determine yet if it's the profiles or the printer. My next step is to try custom profiles. I have... Read more 94 of 96 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Canon Pixma PRO9500MkII Inkjet Photo Printer (3298B002) (Office Product) I'd say this printer is currently the best in it's class for print quality. Not by a lot, but it's noticeable if you look. I don't think you'd go wrong with a competing Epson, or the Canon 9000. The Canon is built a little better, and the [9500] prints are the best you can get this side of a larger printer (the Image ProGraphs are occasionally better, but not by much).Addressing some of the "issues": This is a professional/prosumer photo printer. Use decent paper, use profiles, and expect it to use a lot of ink. That's what it does. That's what they all do. 'Art' paper delivers fabulous results. If you're using Costco glossy paper, this isn't the printer for you. Don't use cheapo refill cartridges either-you're wasting your time and money if you do. If you're not [mostly] printing photos, this isn't the printer for you. Remember, the printer is just an ink delivery device. It's the ink and paper that you're looking at in the end-and that's what... Read more 63 of 63 people found the following review helpful By jimby (California) - See all my reviews This review is from: Canon Pixma PRO9500MkII Inkjet Photo Printer (3298B002) (Office Product) I bought this printer 2-1/2 years ago, and it has performed flawlessly since the day I unboxed it. Of course, I bought it for a specific reason: to print fine art quality, pigment ink photographs. If you are a photographer looking for a printer that that can accept a variety of papers and deliver beautiful permanent prints (up to 13x19) every single time for a reasonable price, then I can highly recommend the Pro 9500 Mk II. I have used it for numerous professional jobs and it has never let me down.Who should NOT buy this printer? - Don't buy this if you want an everyday printer to print out email, Google maps, web pages, etc. The LUCIA inks that this printer uses are designed to produce beautiful photographs that last 100 years. It's a complete waste of money to use them for everyday trivial prints. Buy a cheap inkjet for $100 if that's what you want to do. - Don't buy this printer and attempt to feed it cheap 3rd party inks. The whole reason... Read more |
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