Where Buy Sale Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Pro 6000mAh Ruggedized External Battery for iPhone, iPad and Smartphones Cheap Deals
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List Price : $129.95
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Product Description
Mophie, makers of the Juice Pack Pro for the iPhone, have a brand new external battery that will charge almost any device. If your device can connect to a PC via USB the Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Pro can probably charge it many times.The Juice Pack Powerstation Pro is a huge 6000mAh battery which should charge an iPhone about 4 times before running out of steam. Despite the size of the battery, the device can easily be placed in a bag for travel. Great power. Great protection.Tough design and up to 2.1amp, high-output charging, keeps you going in the most extreme conditions. This powerstation has the largest capacity of all juice packs and has the ability to handle all your smart devices, including the iPad. IP-65 protective rating.When we say this thing is rugged, we mean it. With a rating of IP-65, the powerstation PRO has been tested using international standards for dust and water resistance. Tough design.With an impact & splash resistant design and 6,000 mAh capacity - you can be assured that no matter how extreme your weekend gets, all your gear will have the power it needs come Monday.
- Special high output battery that allows for fast charging
- Capable of switching between 500mAh, 1A, and 2.1A charge
- Durable rubber housing with water tight USB ports
- Charges all Apple Ipods, Iphones, Ipads, Android, Blackberry and other devices
- Ruggedized outer rubber shell, with impact & splash resistant design
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Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Pro 6000mAh Ruggedized External Battery for iPhone, iPad and Smartphones Reviews
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful By Edward (Orlando, FL) - See all my reviews This review is from: Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Pro 6000mAh Ruggedized External Battery for iPhone, iPad and Smartphones (Wireless Phone Accessory) Pros:1. IP-65 build quality which is a big plus. (water & dust resistant) 2. Bright LED status lights for checking battery pack charge. 3. Tight USB connections. 4. Excellent metallic finish of the front. Cons: 1. One USB connection? I would have given it five stars if it's dual USB ports. Mophie has another one that is a non ruggedized version which is the Powerstation DUO. 2. Price is way up there at $130. 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful By Bryce Williams (Ames, IA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Pro 6000mAh Ruggedized External Battery for iPhone, iPad and Smartphones (Wireless Phone Accessory) I picked up this battery because I'm frequently on the go, and I like to be prepared.The Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Pro feels very solid. The exposed aluminum hasn't shown any signs of scratching while its been tossed around in my messenger bag. The rubber is soft and feels pretty durable. The rubber also isn't a dust magnet. The operation is pretty simple and straight forward - there's only one button on the side. When nothing is plugged in, the button simply lights up the charge indicator LEDs. If an iPhone or another device is plugged in, the button shows the charge level, and then starts to charge the connected device. The Powerstation Pro has an IP-65 Ingress Protection rating. This means that it's completely protected from dust/small solid particles (that's what the 6 means), and it's reasonably water tight (that's the 5 part). The water test means that the unit can survive a water jet sprayed from a 6.3 mm nozzle from any direction for at... Read more 6 of 7 people found the following review helpful By This review is from: Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Pro 6000mAh Ruggedized External Battery for iPhone, iPad and Smartphones (Wireless Phone Accessory) Let me say right off the bat that I am fully aware that I review many Mophie products.I do so because they are exceptional products, designed and engineered with a great deal of sophistication and style in addition to durability and most importantly providing the power needed by someone who is on the run and not able to conveniently charge their unit at an outlet. Might add here for the skeptics, I do not nor have I ever worked for this company. Do they know me, you bet, because as they would say I am one of their best customers! Having said that, Mophie has again up the ante for those so called road warriors out there who need a small portable charging unit to get a quick charge for your iphone or ipad. The Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation Pro 6000mAh Ruggedized External Battery for iPhone, iPad and... Read more |
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